Mike and Adonia Hentrich lifted us from destitution to total resurrection

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I wanted to write out my testimony of what took place exactly two weeks ago from today: how Mike and Adonia Hentrich of the Colorado Family Church lifted us from destitution to total resurrection. I think it's incredibly important to observe and document the small miracles, as well as the obvious ones, as a way of reminding us all how our Heavenly Parent can work through people and situations. Because when my family was in need recently, we were taken care of in a way that is very profound and something that is lacking for most people.

Travel Hell with Three Little Kids

On January 13, my family showed up at the Denver airport poised to board a plane to Malaysia very early in the morning. We had been preparing for this journey for months and arrived with the four suitcases that represented all of our worldly possessions. Not only that, but we had just gotten rid of our car, put our remaining material goods in storage, and had very little keeping us substantially connected to America. That morning, at 5 am, we were all denied the ability to board our plane for what I perceive to be ridiculous reasons. Not to get lost in the details, but we were simply not allowed access to our flights that we had paid for. Rejected and defeated, we had three little children, a bunch of suitcases, no home, no car, and essentially no hope.

Travel Salvation with Three Little Kids

At 6 am that morning, I called my pastor, Mike Hentrich, and with a sleepy voice, he answered without any judgement in his voice (something most of us might find difficult). I told him about our predicament, and with a soft, small voice and without hesitation, he said that he would be right over to pick me up.

Now, when you call somebody to pick you up, you should obviously have somewhere to go. I guess we just both naturally assumed that my family would be coming back to the parsonage where he lived. At that point, one of our kids also seemed to be developing symptoms of a fever, which we acknowledged, and that didn't stop him from welcoming us into his home.

Every single one of our three kids developed high fevers that day. We even passed on many of these symptoms to the Hentrich's youngest child. We spent the next two weeks in the basement of their home.

They warmly and lovingly provided us with shelter and delicious food to sustain our family while we figured out our next move. In that time I saw God's hand working so much because we went from a place of destitution to total resurrection.

We have become healthier than we have ever been, after having been sicker than we've ever been as a family. We got a new flight with their help and it looks like we're even getting a full refund from our insurance for the original ticket. It's as though we're pressing the reset button on the whole situation. I can say without a shadow of a doubt that we were in an unbridgeable, unbearable conundrum that couldn't be resolved within our family.


Mike Helped Us When I Was Lost and Didn't Know What to Do

We needed somebody from outside of our little bubble to help us in that moment. I am an extremely independent person. And I like to provide for my family and anybody we come in contact with. But I also have limitations. When I called Mike, I was steeped in my limitations. I didn't know what to do. The generosity and warmth offered to our family at that time was enough grace for us to rebound, stronger and better than ever. It turns out that not boarding that flight was a massive blessing because our children were sicker than we knew.

Their symptoms had not yet developed, but would have revealed themselves on our 12.5 hour flight. I would have had three high fever little children on an airplane. It would have been a disaster. And had we stayed in an uncomfortable situation after being rejected on that flight, I don't know that we would have been able to rebound because the spirit of our family was very low at that moment. Being given love, support, space, and time was enough for God to work miracles and now we are poised to go back and finish - not only what we started - but do far more than we had originally planned. My wife and I are both immigrants to this country. We don't have any physical family nearby, at least not in a blood lineage kind of sense. But what I've noticed is that spiritual blood runs just as thick, if not more, than physical blood, when practiced effectively.

Mike and Adonia Hentrich - True Leaders

Mike and Adonia Hentrich represented the family that we needed at that moment by never questioning why we were in this predicament or how we got ourselves in this situation. They didn't judge us for where we were at. They simply loved us and gave us shelter. That's the essence of God. They offered us love and support so that we can repair the damage done.

That to me is true leadership, because it is not glamorous and is not showy. It is just simply giving for the sake of loving, and loving for the sake of giving. When we were in need, we were given all, and more of what we needed. And for that, we are eternally grateful to the Hentrich family.

Michael and Adonia Hentrich's family at the Colorado Family Church Parsonage, October 1, 2019