Can religion & science be united?

Science and Religion have both been working toward the same goal, but through different perspectives

Our world is changing rapidly, and we are all being affected by it in one way or another. In many ways, science has helped us to achieve an almost Utopian-like existence compared to those born even just a couple hundred years ago. However, that same technology has also created the means by which we can destroy ourselves and nature completely. In times of uncertainty, people often turn to God and Religion for answers and comfort. Religion, in its ideal sense, should bring us together as one human family with our common parent, who is our creator. Unfortunately, religion has often served the opposite purpose, and has divided people and families and has been used as an excuse to commit atrocities in the name of God.

Because of these shortcomings, many people have deeply wondered and sought for answers to their questions about life both through religion and science. Although people of religion and science typically tend to disagree, most people do not realize that, in fact, science and religion have both been working towards the same goal, albeit from different directions.

Both Science and Religion strive to enhance the lives of people and also promise a better future. But, the question of whether science and religion can be united has always been of debate. Many people believe that the two are antagonists and can never be united. Albert Einstein once said, “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”

Together, let us look into the ways in which science and religion can come together for the betterment of all humanity.

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