On Saturday, December 9th, UPF-Colorado, in partnership with WFWP Colorado and local salsa instructor Mercy Gonzales, sponsored a fundraiser for disaster relief in Puerto Rico. The situation is Puerto Rico, after Hurricane Maria hit in September, is still dire. Many are still without electricity and even more without access to clean water. A representative of World Vision, the recipient organization, traveled from Seattle to make a presentation about the work they are doing there to help families devastated by the hurricane.
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Reported by Gale Alves
On November 18th, an Inter-religious Celebration of Marriage event took place in the Colorado Family Church. It was hosted by the Women's Federation for World Peace of Colorado and was sponsored by the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. Six married couples participated: two with a photo of their spouses, and four with their spouses present. Jim and Linda Howell officiated.
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